A journey to mimimize and simplify

During these uncertain times, it is quite common to seek out things that are within our control.  I’ve been thinking about minimizing the stuff that I have in my house for quite a long time now and have convinced myself it is a never ending job.  Spending too much time selling, moving things from one room to another, deciding whether to keep it or sell or donate. Asking myself a series of never ending questions.

Then, I went to see a new aesthetician.  During our conversation she shared that she was a minimalist!  Wow, a real live person in front of me who has done it!  It’s possible.  She recommended Joshua Brewster Becoming Minimalist and I started following him on social media and ordered one of his books from the Vancouver Island Regional Library and now I’ve renewed my mission to downscale!

If there is one thing that I have learned about the excess amount of time that I spend on social media, it is to fill my feed with people that inspire. 

First up. I’ve got to do something about the plastic that keeps coming into my house.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I’m a big fan of Aveda’s Shampure.  I love the scent.  It’s does cost far more money than I wish to spend on shampoo, but I decided to treat myself.  I want a product that is natural and not full of chemicals. The bottles started to empty and I began to think about how I was going to refill them.  Off I went to the Local Refillery in Downtown Courtenay.  It hadn’t quite opened for the day but the coffee shop was open so I decided to sit in the sunshine and enjoy a cup of java and congratulate myself on my quest for 2 less plastic bottles coming into my home.

I refilled my bottles and the grand total of both was $13.  Quite a different to the $24 each of Aveda to buy new.  I really love this shampoo and the scent as well. I’m hooked.  What else can I refill?

Keep going – every little bit counts

Next up, laundry detergent.  I’ll be replacing my giant tub of Persil with a jar of liquid that I’ll be starting next time I’m passing.  I’ve always known that Persil isn’t the most environmentally friendly choice, but the smell reminds me of the extensive time I spent in the UK. I can find those memories somewhere else now. 

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